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Holiday Prints

Holiday Print Food Bank Fundraiser 2023

Online sale from November 13 through November 23
Studio sale December 16
Only one print of each image is available

Primordial Seas (11 images in this series)

Oasis (9 images in this series)

The Concerns of Metropolis (11 images in this series)

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have had solo and group shows in established photography galleries in Seattle, Portland, Santa Fe, Houston, Los Angeles and other locations. I have on hand inventory from some of those shows and it is time to put those images to good use. Your donation to a food bank like Nourish Pierce County will help put food on the table for those in need this holiday season. For each donation of $50, you will receive one print selected from the images shown below.
Please note: there is only one copy of each print available.

The Online Sale, November 13 through November 23. I will be out of the country for several weeks after the 23rd and not able to accept orders or answer inquiries. Any prints not sold via the online sale by November 23 will be available first come, first served at the Studio Sale.

  1. Select the image(s) you are interested in.

  2. click here: to send me an email with your selection(s).

  3. I will send you a confirmation email and hold your selection(s) or let you know if the print(s) are already reserved. As prints are reserved, I’ll do my best to update the website, but this is an entirely manual process so there will be some lag.

  4. After you receive a confirmation, you’ll have 24 hours to make your donation to Nourish Pierce Country or other food bank of your choice. Email me a copy of your receipt to complete the transaction.

  5. You may pick up your print(s) at our studio open house on December 16 or we can make other arrangements as needed.

The Studio Sale, open house and print pick up, Saturday, December 16 from 1 pm to 5 pm.

  1. Join us for some holiday cheer, we’ll have wine and cider available.

  2. A selection of additional prints will be available from other series.

Primordial Seas, Hood Canal

Moving from the heart of downtown Seattle to a remote location along Puget Sound’s Hood Canal took us from a booming construction zone to a tranquil and peaceful place. But I faced a dilemma. What does an urban photographer shoot when there is no urban to photograph?

Eventually, as I began watching the water that had become my front yard more closely, this series of seascapes began to make themselves known. As the series progressed, I would literally jump up from the dinner table, grab my camera and head for the beach as some magical combination of light, color, wind and tide started revealing new combinations of forms I had never noticed before.

As the collection grew, the images seemed to sort themselves into distinct groupings which brought to mind the primordial beginnings of the ocean itself.

This work has been exhibited in group and solo exhibitions at the Farmani Gallery in Los Angeles, Verve Gallery in Santa Fe, Open Shutter Gallery in Durango, Watermark Gallery in Houston, Wallspace Gallery in Seattle, and published in Color Magazine.

Prints are 12”x 18” matted in 18” x 24” 8-ply white mats. Click on any image to see it full screen.


In Genesis, we experience a never-ending stream of beginnings, of random combinations of light, texture and form,
a constant flow of motion where two moments are never the same and never repeated.


Apocalypse is a time of awakening, of power unleashed.
Unrelenting natural forces sculpt the water into epic scenes that exist but for a moment.


Only after the epic storms of Apocalypse can we appreciate the sublime beauty and tranquility of Grace.
Yet beneath the surface, the restless energy of the sea remains.


Walking through Seattle’s downtown Westlake Park one busy afternoon, I realized that the closer I got to the sculptural water feature, the more the sounds of the city receded. The rush of the water created a calming, soothing auditory Oasis that seemed to draw people closer to the water feature. I returned with my camera and set about making long exposures to capture the flow and pattern of the water juxtaposed against the hard structure of the water feature. Over the next few years, I sought out fountains and other water features in Seattle. Bellevue, Tacoma and Chicago.

This work was shown in a solo exhibition at Galerie BMG in Woodstock, New York.

Prints are 12”x 18” matted in 18” x 24” 8-ply white mats. Click on any image to see it full screen.

The Concerns of Metropolis

In every city there are a million stories to be told. At least that’s how those cheap detective novels usually begin. What I’ve found in my wanderings through one city after another is a profusion of self-expression plastered and painted onto random surfaces, reminiscent of improvisational musical notes. Upon weaving these notes into brief melodic phrases, the Concerns of Metropolis are revealed.

This work was shown as a solo exhibition at Camerawork Gallery In Portland, Oregon and in inventory at Verve Gallery in Santa Fe.

Prints are 17” x 31” and supplied with plexiglas and backer board. They look great in a thin silver metal section frame.

Click on any image to see full screen.