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For the majority of my adult life I have been fascinated with and drawn to photograph the urban landscape. My preferred mode of travel is to wander the streets of some city with a discrete camera tucked in a small bag, patiently hunting for interesting stories.


We arrive full of expectations, our curiosity piqued.
Perhaps a little uncertain, yet compelled to seek adventure.
We are someplace new and unknown, old and familiar, strange, yet invigorating in its strangeness.
We step forward, unafraid.


Each day, we experience something new, embracing ideas previously unknown.
We stride ahead, full of confidence and curiosity.
Each twist and turn in our journey reveals a cascading and compounding onslaught of newness.
Eventually, we are overwhelmed.


Stunned by information overload, we seek out our fellow travelers.
We converse upon the great topics of the day, reflect upon the artifacts we have seen,
or simply share the reassurance of human contact.
We seek comprehension of what we see and of who we are.
But the answers elude us.


At some point in our journey, we simply must stop. Enough! we say.
We pause to absorb what we have seen, recall the experiences we have had,
and contemplate the meaning of all we have observed.
We must be alone with our thoughts.


As the time of our departure draws near, many questions remain unanswered.
Who knows what we were really doing here?
Shall we take away something as a memory of this foreign land?
Shall we leave behind some evidence of our passing through?
Or is it better to simply fade away, as though we had never been?